Yes class, if you filled in the "Jesus" bubble, you'd be correct.
Back to the reason for this blog.
Today, we discussed homelessness with our students. This wasn't just a workshop where we defined what it is, we had a former homeless man, and a currently homeless man come in to speak to the kids about bad decisions and the consequences thereafter. The first guy (Mark) really touched me. From the beginning of his college education, down to his spiral into cocaine and prison. Thankfully, he rebounded and he's been "straight" for a while. He's had a steady job, and a nice condo in Cambridge ($). He's also been a member at PT for some time (Pentecostal Tabernacle, my church in Mass), and he loves Jesus Christ. Praise God.
The real appeal (to me) came from the other guy, a Honduran brother named Link.
Not like Linc Hayes from the Mod Squad.

This brother is definitely an enigma wrapped in a riddle. He's been homeless since he was 9 years old, and if he can help it he'll stay that way. Basically, Link doesn't like staying indoors. He said that he prefers sleeping on the street, and he doesn't need help. He's not a drug addict, he just doesn't like being indoors. He's "traveled all over" by stowing away on ships, and he doesn't like being confined by the rules of society. Afterwards, I spoke with him privately about family and love. He dislikes relationships, and the idea of anyone getting close to him. Ultimately, it goes back to his dislike of being indoors. He said he has 3 kids, one in Mexico and the other 2 in Honduras. He's never known them, and probably never will. He doesn't like for anyone to understand him, and once someone shows signs of getting close he moves to a new place.
There's much more that I could blog about Link, but I just wanted to share some of what I was privileged to experience today. This blog post was not meant to poke fun at other's expense. I just wanted to reopen your eyes if they became shut over time. People in this world are hurting, and WE ALL are in desperate need of a savior. If you haven't today, try to speak with someone about Jesus. You never know, your Christian walk may be the only for of Christ that they see in these streets. Take time out of your walk from the car or train station and share a kind word with someone on the street. Your displayed love could be just what they need to turn to Christ.
"He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker (God), but whoever is kind to the needy honors God."- Proverbs 14:31

Be encouraged, pursue the heart, mind, and humility of Jesus Christ.
Until next time...
Once again awesome post. My heart goes out to the less fortune of today