In this walk of life [through Christ], it's quite easy for one to become bored with seemingly mundane spiritual occurrences. We wake up, thank God for the new mercy bestowed on us, read a scripture or two, then we're out the door. Throughout the day we become a bit numb to the things of Christ. While we know it's His will that we meditate on His word day and night, we sometimes forget to do that. If I can be transparent for a moment, I know I do. It's not an act committed intentionally, we just get so wrapped up in what we're doing that we tend to forget that He doesn't need an elaborate, well-versed prayer in a prostrate position. Mind you, God does indeed want us broken before Him, so don't think I'm advocating for a consistent prayer life on the fly. No. Spend quality time with God constantly!
However, some of the most sincere acts of worship can be in the most unconventional forms.

(Yes, that's correct)
We sometimes have a tendency to box God in and we forget that His knowledge is all-encompassing, and that His ability is beyond what our tiny minds can fathom. History has taught us to believe that he only interacts with us through the same mediums.
However, if we just open our spiritual eyes and ears, we'll be surprised to find that He deals with each person in a different way. Don't sell Him short, some of the most effective, touching moments of ministry in my life have been outside of the norm that we experience on Sunday mornings.
Now, the central point of this post may not wow you. As a matter of fact, I'm not expecting you to understand 100% and get all frenzied. My iPod really encouraged me on the way home from work today. Every now and again you get that feeling of abandonment and your flesh starts to chip away at your peace. You start believing that God isn't inclining His ear to your hurts, and issues. That's not at all the case, He hears you.
My iPod was on shuffle and I put the songs into a dialogue in my mind while I walked:
First came Kirk Franklin "The Last Jesus." As much as my flesh tried to ignore it, the song's message is indeed true. I felt as if the Holy Spirit was lecturing me, reminding me that while I waste time sulking and having a downcast countenance someone may need what is inside of me. If Christ is what's inside of me, then I'd me sulking would be the absolute wrong demeanor to possess. I'm to display the joy of the Lord, so when the random woman having a bad day sees me, she sees not a common, angry man, but one full of God's joy. I could be the only example of Jesus Christ that she sees.
The next song was "Be Still" by Storyside B. After I got in my head that I needed to truly be the hands and feet of Christ daily, this song reminds me that I'm not alone in doing it. The idea of embodying the example of Christ is tough, but He reminds us to be still and know that He is ALWAYS there. Even when "I feel like caving in, my heart and soul are wearing thin. I just want to give up, and nothing seems to add up. Can you hear me Lord, my face is down upon the floor. It's then you whisper in my ear, be still and know I'm here."
After the burden was lifted, the flesh wonders, He's here, but what what if I'm by myself in this stand for Christ? What if the crowd is against me? "All I Need Is You" [Hillsong United] begins to play. The title says exactly what God is trying to tell us, even if your very best friend leaves you, all we really need is Him if you want to be honest. All that's going to last in the end is what we do for Christ. So continue on boldly, knowing that He's all you need.
Then, as usual, that enemy of ours [satan] begins to fatigue us and we start to feel unloved. Just then, Starfield's "Love Is Here" begins to play and it reminds me that NOTHING can separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
And finally, after getting all the necessary tools to take on this walk, Starfield hits back again with "I Will Go." The Gospel of Christ isn't something that we selfishly hoard to ourselves. It is meant to share, which is why He commanded the disciples to "be His witnesses in Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the Earth."
This is a charge we are called to keep, and I pray that it encourages you because it sure did that for me. Whenever you're feeling unloved, overlooked, or whatever, just look up. Hide His words in your hearts and you'll know the correct remedy to cure your broken heart.

He loves you, that's why He paid the price for you.
Please, pursue the heart, mind, and humility of Jesus Christ. Be encouraged.
Until next time...
Great post! I look forward to the next