Saturday, May 30, 2009

Taste of Victory

Los Angeles Lakers, welcome to your 30th NBA final appearance. It's been a long, hard fight, a few close calls. and an overall difficult season but you made it. Despite the naysayers, Laker-haters, whatever you want to call them, the Lakers have made it back to the finals! We will not lose [be it Cleveland or Orlando].

This blog was completely pointless, but I had to voice my excitement for the Lakers! While the fight has just begun, we can enjoy right now because we're on top for the moment. We've done our part and won the West, now come with it!
[I love you Rae...]
Until next time...

Friday, May 29, 2009


I just had to express the irritation I've been feeling.
My worst nightmare....

As you may know [maybe not], I utterly despise germs, dirt, filthy surfaces, etc. In my temporary place of residence, I've been as a fish out of water, literally. I've never felt like Adrian Monk [thanks babe] more than right now. To make matters worse, as I flipped the switch in the bathroom, a wet substance was on the light switch and I had a mini attack, lol. Luckily, my girlfriend's soothing voice calmed me back to sanity. Lol. [I love you Rae]
Did you know?
Only 60% of people actually wash their hands. 20% actually use soap, and only 2% wash for more than 10 seconds. That's nauseating.
Here's a nifty chart if you're still unclear about proper hand washing.

Until next time...

Mild Annoyance

What a day. While it's not unlike any other day, this May 29 was particularly bothersome. Class was cool today [being that we got out after 18 minutes. Whoo Hoo!], so that isn't the issue. Since you don't know my cellular plight, I feel that I should fill you in before I go any further. I've had a Blackjack [with AT&T] since December of 2006 [close to when it debuted], and it has been just lovely, I really commend it for holding on all these years, but....

For about the past 3 or 4 months, my phone has been on the fritz, as a matter of fact, if there were a worse term to describe something that's broken, you'd probably find my phone in that dictionary [with the picture above, smh]. My music player stopped working ages ago, and it seems as if the only pda functions I have left are email [which I never use] and Internet Explorer. The main problem now is the darn thing won't charge. Mind you I have 3 means of charging it [regular charger, car, usb], but nothing works. Recently, I discovered that if I bend the charger backwards, while plugged into the phone, it will charge. The only flaw is that I have to hold it for it to charge. [he's shaking his head very hard] It can clearly be seen that I'm having serious agita because of this blasted phone.

Every AT&T rep that I've spoken with says the same thing, "there's really nothing you can do, but get a new phone." I'm not upset with them, they're doing their job, but I'll just have to wait until I can upgrade...on July 5th. So throughout each day I walk around with about two solid cells left in my battery, and my girlfriend manages to talk those out with every passing second, lol.

I love you Rae! [lol]

The important fact is that God is still [always will be] faithful, and He is in control.

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer School Begins....[bittersweet]

[Sigh] The fact that I have 6 classes left to take should be a happy thought. While I am excited, [because I have opportunities already lined up] I still feel a void that probably won't be filled until I finish theses classes, lol.

A lighter note:

The Ethics course seems as if it's going to be an interesting course, Dr. Columbo is a pretty cool guy [though he's an extremely small dude].
While it seems that the students [all 10 of them....out of 22] are completely uninterested, the ethical and moral discussions keeps them somewhat fascinated.
After I got from class, I went to Wal-Mart, and then arrived at my temporary residence. [horror movie soundtrack begins to play, but this is an entire blog within itself]

However, I was subsequently cheered up by my wheat panqueques!! [since eating is my favorite pastime]
My Lady Love [certainly not least]

While she's always on my mind, my fondest thought of her today occured in class. The Doc instructed us to take a few minutes and define happiness.

Dante's [condensed] definition of happiness:

"It's an inner joy obtained when peace is found. An uncomplicated moment in time where one's mind is at ease. Happiness is freedom from stress and/or worry. Happiness is a smile despite circumstance."

Long story short, Rae, my babe, she's a big part of my earthly happiness.

Her voice [when it isn't fussing at me] brightens my day
Nothing's ever perfect [including your relationship, or lack thereof] but she's always there
I think about life without being able to hold her close to my diaphragm
It would feel like a life incomplete
I'm euphoric at the thought that God has allowed me to cross paths with her
Who knows what the future holds, no one
All I know, is that I have today and I'm going to do all that I can to ensure her future happiness while it's still "today"
She's the one I want, and I hope and pray that God doesn't see it any other way
All in all, I'm so appreciative because I know her
She's my smile [earthly speaking]
I'm proud that she's mine, and I hope she's proud that I'm her's
Prayerfully, I hope God sees fit that we wed [through His son Jesus Christ]
Then our love will be complete, as long as we truly keep Him first

My Lady Love....

Until next time...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


First time blogger, but it seems pretty cool already. Won't be too long, but stay tuned for more.