My worst nightmare....
As you may know [maybe not], I utterly despise germs, dirt, filthy surfaces, etc. In my temporary place of residence, I've been as a fish out of water, literally. I've never felt like Adrian Monk [thanks babe] more than right now. To make matters worse, as I flipped the switch in the bathroom, a wet substance was on the light switch and I had a mini attack, lol. Luckily, my girlfriend's soothing voice calmed me back to sanity. Lol. [I love you Rae]
Did you know?
Only 60% of people actually wash their hands. 20% actually use soap, and only 2% wash for more than 10 seconds. That's nauseating.
Here's a nifty chart if you're still unclear about proper hand washing.
Until next time...
hahahahaha! you!