A pressing issue that constantly plagues my mind is that of the everyday lifestyles of people. It's sort of beyond me, how one can call him/herself a Christian, but live a horribly contrary lifestyle. It's not really difficult; God says if you love Him, you'll keep His commandments.
How can we [as Christians] say "live for God, I love The Lord with everything, etc." and in the same breath we lie, or use profane language? Or club, get drunk, fornicate, or house homosexual identities? [etc.]
Let's revert back to John 14:15 [if you love me, keep My commandments."
How can we truly love him, but defile our bodies? [1 Corinthians 6:19-20]
Smoking, drinking, carnal thinking.
Premarital sex, lust [after people AND possessions]
Everything that that the Bible [God's word] speaks against, yet we're Christians.
Here's where the problem lies...
We don't read God's word! We read the "good parts" [yea though I walk through the valley, etc.] We omit the books that condemn our shameful behavior. The books that tell us we WON'T inherit the kingdom of heaven if we keep these up. [try, pretty much the whole New Testament]
It's not a hard process at all, really. The knowledge of God won't come through osmosis, or being optimistic about Him "knowing your heart, so you'll be okay." We have to read and study the word of God for ourselves, this way, we can know what He permits, and what He doesn't. What His will is, and what isn't in His plan for us.
Mind you, I'm not judging anyone, nor am I deeming myself perfect. I am only declaring the word of God, because He's quite sick of us presenting any old lifestyles and ways before men, making them think it's cool to be sin-filled, live any way we want and follow Christ. God will not accept that which is lukewarm guys. Either be hot or cold. Seriously, just read the bible. There are 66 books, I promise you'll find what you need to confirm whether or not what you do with your life is holy and right. And you'll gain insight and direction on how to live holy.
I love you all with the love of Jesus Christ.
[let's try a little more of this ------>

Until next time...